1-10 Persons Eyewash & First Aid Point


SKU:: 1-10 Persons Eyewash & First Aid Point
The eyewash & first aid point combines an HSE recommendation compliant first aid kit with an eye wash kit containing 2 500ml bottles of sterile saline eyewash, both in wall-mounted Evolution cases. This is the perfect first aid solution for workplaces where eye contamination is a possibility and where first aid supplies need to be [...]
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The eyewash & first aid point combines an HSE recommendation compliant first aid kit with an eye wash kit containing 2 500ml bottles of sterile saline eyewash, both in wall-mounted Evolution cases. This is the perfect first aid solution for workplaces where eye contamination is a possibility and where first aid supplies need to be quick and easy to access. Evolution cases feature a one-handed release mechanism to remove them from their brackets and can be fitted with tamper-proof studs (sold separately).

  • Essential first aid point featuring a fully stocked HSE compliant First Aid Kit and Emergency Eyewash Kit with bottle retainer for total stability
  • Available for 1-10, 11-20, and 21-50 Persons
  • Photoluminescent bracket headers for easy identification of kits location, even in dark or smokey conditions
  • Includes a bracket label to identify when a kit has been removed
  • Unique brackets ensure kits are securely fixed to the wall, simple one-handed release mechanism